- Schedule Final Release Planning
- Prepare for Final Release Planning
- Run the Final Release Planning Meeting
Schedule Final Release Planning
Agile Release Manager:
- At the start of the last sprint of the current release, add at the top of each team’s backlog a story to draft all stories for all chosen epics.
- Remind each Team Guide that story must get into Sprint 1 of the next Planning Release and be completed during that sprint.
Details: “Draft the Stories.” - At the start of Sprint 1, ask Facilitators when they expect to be done with the Sprint 1 exercise.
- Schedule the Final Release Planning Meeting:
- After the latest date provided by the Facilitators.
- No later than Day 1 of Sprint 2.
- With the Release Planners and TGs as mandatory participants.
- If any TG says they cannot participate at the best time for most, ask them who will attend in their place (the Facilitator or another team representative).
Details: “Schedule the Meeting.”
Prepare for Final Release Planning
Agile Release Manager, after all teams have completed their Sprint 1 exercises:
- If not yet done, create and populate a copy of the Release Capacities spreadsheet for the planned release.
Details: “Create a Release Capacities Spreadsheet.” - Move any stories from the prior release that still must be done to the new release (except any in progress in Sprint 1).
Note: Determine with the Release Planners whether you want to move the epics or just the stories. - Review the story list for each proposed epic to ensure each story is assigned to the release and to its team.
- Use the Release Backlog to determine how many stories each team has created.
- Determine each team’s velocity based on the last three or more sprints.
- Update the Release Capacities spreadsheet.
Details: “Prepare Data.”
Run the Final Release Planning Meeting
Agile Release Manager, during the meeting:
- Show the Release Capacities Spreadsheet.
- If any teams have too much work (negative numbers in the Plus/Minus column):
- Facilitate the trading of epics, or stories within epics, to other teams.
- If that does not fix the problem, remove the lowest-ranked epic from the release that includes stories for that team.
- Repeat the steps above until all teams are at zero or a positive number in the Plus/Minus column.
Details: “Run the Final Release Planning.” - Send stakeholders the release end date and a link to the Release Backlog.
Details: “Communicate the Release Plan.”