Teamwork Bibliography


Most of the teamwork research for the “Self-Directed agile” section was conducted for its earlier book version, The SuddenTeams™ Program. Updates have been made over the years since that was published, and the research continues. Some of these sources are cited elsewhere on the site.


  • Journal citations in the form of “Journal Title x(y):z,” mean:
    • x = Volume number
    • y = Issue number
    • z = First page of the article
  • An additional 170 sources that contributed to the communication and persuasion topics are included in the bibliography of my master’s thesis (see Morgan 1995 below).

Books and Course Materials

Ankarlo, L., and J. Callaway (1996), Implementing Self-Directed Work Teams. CareerTrack, Inc.: Boulder, CO.

Belasco, J. (1990),Teaching the Elephant to Dance: The Manager’s Guide to Empowering Change. Penguin Books: New York.

Berger, M. (1996), Cross-Cultural Team Building: Guidelines for More Effective Communication and Negotiation. The McGraw-Hill Companies: San Francisco.

Blake, R., J. Mouton, and R. Allen (1987), Spectacular Teamwork: How to Develop the Leadership Skills for Team Success. John Wiley & Sons: New York.

Blanchard, K., (1995), Mission Possible: Creating A World-Class Organization. Blanchard Training & Development: Escondido, CA.

Blanchard, K, J. Carlos, and A. Randolph (1996), Empowerment Takes More Than A Minute. Berrett-Koehler Publishers: San Francisco.

Bok, S. (1978), Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life. Vintage Books: New York.

Burgoon, J., D. Buller, and W.G. Woodall (1989), Nonverbal Communication: The Unspoken Dialogue. Harper & Row: Philadelphia.

Butler, A. (1996), TeamThink: 72 Ways To Make Good, Smart, Quick Decisions In Any Meeting. McGraw-Hill: San Francisco.

Goldstein, N., S. Martin, and R. Cialdini (2008), Yes: 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Persuasive. Free Press: New York.

Covey, S. (1990), The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Simon & Schuster: New York.

Crocker, O., J.S.L. Chiu, and C. Charney (1984), Quality Circles: A Guide to Participation and Productivity. Facts On File Publications: New York.

Denton, D.K. (1991), Horizontal Management: Beyond Total Customer Satisfaction. Lexington Books: New York.

Dewar, D. (1984), Quality Circles: Answers to 100 Frequently Asked Questions. Quality Circle Institute: Red Bluff, CA.

Director’s Workshop for Leaders (1997), Los Alamos National Laboratory: Los Alamos, NM.

Donnellon, A. (1996), Team Talk. Harvard Business School Press: Boston.

D’Orso, M. (2006), Eagle Blue: A Team, a Tribe, and a High School Basketball Season in Arctic Alaska. Bloomsbury USA: New York.

Edwards, M., and A. Ewen (1996), 360° Feedback: The Powerful New Model for Employee Assessment & Performance Improvement. AMACOM: Kansas City.

Franken, R. (1994), Human Motivation, 3rd ed. Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.: Pacific Grove, CA.

Geenan, H. (1984), Managing. Avon Books: New York.

Goldstein, N., S. Martin, and R. Cialdini (2008), Yes: 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Persuasive. Free Press: New York.

Gmelch, W., and V. Miskin (1984), Productivity Teams: Beyond Quality Circles. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: New York.

Graham, M., and M. Lebaron (1994), The Horizontal Revolution: Reengineering Your Organization Through Teams. Jossey-Bass Publishers: San Francisco.

Hackman, R., ed. (1990), Groups that Work (and Those that Don’t). Jossey-Bass Publishers: San Francisco.

Jackson, P. (1995), Sacred Hoops: Spiritual Lessons Of A Hardwood Warrior. Hyperion: New York.

Katzenbach, J. (1998), Teams at the Top: Unleashing the Potential of Both Teams and Individual Leaders. Harvard Business School Press: Boston.

Katzenbach, J., and D. Smith (1993), The Wisdom Of Teams. Harper Business: New York.

Kaye, K. (1994), Workplace Conflicts And How To Avoid Them. American Management Association: Kansas City.

Kiser, A. G. (1998), Masterful Facilitation: Becoming a Catalyst for Meaningful Change. AMACOM: Kansas City.

Larson, C., and F. LaFasto (1989), Teamwork: What Must Go Right, What Can Go Wrong. Sage Publications, Inc.: Newbury Park, CA.

Lencioni, P., (2002), The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco.

Lewis, J. (2001), Project Planning, Scheduling, and Control. McGraw-Hill: San Francisco.

Lipnack, J. and J. Stamps (1993), The TeamNet Factor: Bringing The Power Of Boundary Crossing Into The Heart Of Your Business. Oliver Wright Publications: Essex Junction, VT.

Mankin, D., S. Cohen, and T. Bikson (1996), Teams And Technology: Fulfilling The Promise Of The New Organization. Harvard Business School Press: Boston.

Manz, C., and H. Sims (1993), Business Without Bosses: How Self-Managing Teams Are Building High Performing Companies. John Wiley & Sons: New York.

Martin, D. (1993), TeamThink: Using The Sports Connection To Develop, Motivate, And Manage A Winning Business Team. Dutton: New York.

McConnell, S. (2004), Professional Software Development. Pearson Education: Boston.

McDermott, L., N. Brawley, and W. Waite (1998), World-Class Teams: Working Across Borders. John Wiley & Sons: New York.

Mehrabian, A. (1981), Silent Messages: Implicit Communication of Emotions and Attitudes. Wadsworth, Inc.: Belmont, CA.

Mohrman, S., S. Cohen, and A. Mohrman (1995), Designing Team-Based Organizations: New Forms For Knowledge Work. Jossy-Bass: San Francisco.

Moran, L, and C. Berrey (1993), Ensuring the Success of Self-Directed Work Teams, Zenger-Miller, Inc.: San Jose, CA.

Morgan, J. (1995), Persuasive Techniques for Journalism. Master’s thesis, Univ. of Missouri-Columbia.

Morrisey, G. (1976), Management by Objectives and Results in the Public Sector. Addison-Wesley: Menlo Park, CA.

Orsburn, J., et al. (1990), Self-Directed Work Teams: The New American Challenge. Business One Irwin: Homewood, IL.

Ostroff, F. (1999), The Horizontal Organization: What The Organization Of The Future Looks Like And How It Delivers Value To Customers. Oxford University Press: New York.

Ouchi, W. (1981), Theory Z: How American Business can Meet the Japanese Challenge. Addison-Wesley Publishing: Reading, MA.

Parker, G. (1994), Cross-Functional Teams: Working With Allies, Enemies, And Other Strangers. Jossey-Bass Publishers: San Francisco.

Parker, G., J. McAdams, and D. Zielinski (2000), Rewarding Teams: Lessons From The Trenches. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco.

Peter, L., and R. Hull (1972), The Peter Principle: Why Things Always Go Wrong. Bantam Books: New York.

Peters, T. (1999), Reinventing Work: The Professional Service Firm 50. Alfred A. Knopf: New York.

Peters, T., and R. Waterman (1982), In Search Of Excellence. Warner Books: New York.

Pfeffer, J. (1998), The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First. Harvard Business School Press: Boston.

Pink, Daniel (2006), A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers will Rule the Future. Riverhead Books: New York.

Priest, S. (2003), The EBTD Abstracts (Experience-based Training & Development Research Studies),, file dated 5/30/03.

Project Management Institute (2013), A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)—Fifth Edition. Project Management Institute: Newton Square, PA.

Purser, R., and S. Cabana (1998), The Self-Managing Organization: How Leading Companies are Transforming the Work of Teams for Real Impact. The Free Press: New York.

Quality Circles Technical Committee (1982), The Quality Circle Process: Elements for Success. American Society for Quality Control: Milwaukee, WI.

Rasiel, E. (1999), The McKinsey Way: Using the Techniques of the World’s Top Strategic Consultants to Help You and Your Business. McGraw-Hill: San Francisco.

Robbins, H., and M. Finley (1995), Why Teams Don’t Work. Peterson’s/Pacesetter Books: Princeton, NJ.

Romig, D. (1999), Breakthrough Teamwork: Outstanding Results Using Structured Teamwork. Performance Research Press.

Rosen, N. (1989), Teamwork and The Bottom Line: Groups Make A Difference. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: Hillsdale, NJ.

Ross, J., and W. Ross (1982), Japanese Quality Circles And Productivity. Reston Publishing Co.: Reston, VA.

Senge, P. (1990), The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. Doubleday/Currency: New York.

Scope Definition (2003), PM 802, Project Management Graduate Certificate Program, University of Washington: Seattle, WA.

Scott, S. (2002), Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success at Work and in Life, One Conversation at a Time. Berkley Books: New York, NY.

Seidman, D. (2007), How: Why HOW We Do Anything Means Everything… in Business (and in Life). John Wiley & Sons: Hoboken, N.J.

Self-Directed Work Teams (1994), Fred Pryor Seminars: Shawnee Mission, KS.

Shepard, H., (1990), An Examination of Participative Management In Information Services Division. Master’s thesis, Univ. of Phoenix: Albuquerque, NM.

Shonk, J. (1982), Working In Teams: A Practical Manual For Improving Work Groups. AMACOM: New York.

Shonk, J. (1992), Team-Based Organizations: Developing A Successful Team Environment. Business One Irwin: Homewood, IL.

Silberger, S. (1999), The Ten-Day MBA. William Morrow: New York.

Skopec, E., and D. Smith (1997), The Practical Executive and Team-Building. NTC Business Books: Lincolnwood, IL.

Smith, D. (1999), A Coach’s Life. Random House: New York.

Stewart, G., C. Manz, and H. Sims (1999), Team Work And Group Dynamics. John Wiley & Sons: New York.

Strunk, W., and E.B. White (1979), The Elements of Style, Third Ed. Macmillan Publishing Co.: New York.

Terkel, S. (1971), Working: People Talk about What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do. Pantheon Books: New York.

Thompson, P. (1982), Quality Circles: How to Make Them Work in America. AMACOM: New York.

Tjosvold, D. (1986), Working Together to Get Things Done: Managing for Organizational Productivity. Lexington Books: New York.

Tjosvold, D., and M. Tjosvold (1991), Leading the Team Organization: How To Create An Enduring Competitive Advantage. Lexington Books: New York.

Tubbs, S. (1988), A Systems Approach To Small Group Interaction, Third Ed. Random House: New York.

Varney, G. (1989), Building Productive Teams: An Action Guide and Resource Book. Jossey-Bass Publishers: San Francisco.

Walp, G. (2010), Implosion at Los Alamos: How Crime, Corruption and Cover-Ups Jeopardize America’s Nuclear Weapons Secrets. Justice Publishing: Gold Canyon, Ariz.

Weaver, R., and J. Farrell (1997), Managers as Facilitators: A Practical Guide to Getting Work Done in a Changing Workplace. Berrett-Koehler Publishers: San Francisco.

Wellins, R., W. Byham, and G. Dixon (1994), Inside Teams: How 20 World-Class Organizations Are Winning Through Teamwork. Jossey-Bass Publishers: San Francisco.

Wheelan, S. (1994), Group Processes: A Developmental Perspective. Allyn and Bacon: Boston.

Williams, R. and T. Crothers (2009), Hard Work: A Life On and Off the Court. Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill (N.C.).

Worden, J. (1991), Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy: A Handbook for the Mental Health Practitioner, Second Ed. Springer Publishing Company: New York.

Wysocki, R., R. Beck, and D. Crane (2000), Effective Project Management. John Wiley & Sons: New York.

Zander, A. (1993), Making Boards Effective: The Dynamics of Nonprofit Governing Boards. Jossey-Bass Publishers: San Francisco.

Zenger, J., and J. Folkman (2009), The Extraordinary Leader: Turning Good Managers into Great Leaders. McGraw-Hill: New York.

Articles, Chapters, Seminars, and Web Sites

Aarts, H., P. Gollwitzer, and R. Hassin (2004), “Goal Contagion: Perceiving is for Pursuing,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 87(1):23.

Abbink, E. (2005), et al., “Reinventing Crew Scheduling at Netherlands Railways,” Interfaces 35(5):393.

Abdolmohammadi, M., and M. Reeves (2003), “Does Group Reasoning Improve Ethical Reasoning?” Business and Society Review 108(1):127.

Abernathy, W. (2009), “Walden Two Revisited: Optimizing Behavioral Systems,” Journal of Organizational Behavior Management 29:175

Ahearn, K., et al. (2004), “Leader Political Skill and Team Performance,” Journal of Management 30(3):309.

Alarcon, G., and J. Lyons (2011), “The Relationship of Engagement and Job Satisfaction in Working Samples,” The Journal of Psychology 145(5):463.

Allen, R., et al. (2004), “Rewards and Organizational Performance in Japan and the United States: A Comparison,” Compensation & Benefits Review 36(1):7.

Allik, J. et al. (2010), “How People See Others is Different from How People See Themselves: A Replicable Pattern Across Cultures,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 99(5):870.

Almlund, M., A. Duckworth, J. Heckman, and T. Kautz (2011), “Personality Psychology and Economics,” in Hanushek, E., S. Machin, and L. Woessmann (eds.), Handbook of the Economics of Education, Vol. 4. Elsevier: Waltham, Mass.

Alper, S., D. Tjosvold, and K. Law (1998), “Interdependence and Controversy in Group Decision Making: Antecedents to Effective Self-Managing Teams.” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 74(1):33.

Amason, A. (1996), “Distinguishing the Effects of Functional and Dysfunctional Conflict on Strategic Decision Making: Resolving a Paradox for Top Management Teams.” Academy of Management Journal 39:123.

Ammons, J., and C. Brooks (2011), “An Empirical Study of Gender Issues in Assessments Using Peer and Self Evaluations,” Academy of Educational Leadership Journal 15:49.

Anat Drach-Zahavy and Anit Somech (2010), “From an Intrateam to an Interteam Perspective of Effectiveness: The Role of Interdependence and Boundary Activities,” Small Group Research 41:143.

Ancona, D. (1990), “Outward Bound: Strategies for Team Survival in an Organization,” Academy of Management Journal 33:334.

Ancona, D., and D. Caldwell (1992), “Bridging the Boundary: External Activity and Performance in Organizational Teams,” Administrative Science Quarterly 37:634.

Anonymous (1993), “Four Phases Of Team Development,” Team Management Briefings (sample issue). Portland, OR.

Anonymous (1994), “Implementing Self-Directed Work Teams at USG,” Quality Digest, 2/94.

Anonymous (1998), “Companies Tap Buyers for Much More than Sourcing,” Purchasing, 6/4/98.

Anonymous (2003), “Eight Steps to Better On-the-Job Training,” HRfocus 80(7):11.

Anonymous (2006), “How Coaching Helps a ‘Big Four’ Accounting Firm Retain Staff,” HRfocus January:5.

Argyris, C. (1998), “Empowerment: The Emperor’s New Clothes,” Harvard Business Review 76(3):98.

Ariely, D. (2011), “Predictably Irrational,” Speech for Marketing Mondays, Durham, N.C., 11/14/11.

Aritz, J., and R. Walker (2010), “Cognitive Organization and Identity Maintenance in Multicultural Teams: A Discourse Analysis of Decision-Making Meetings,” Journal of Business Communication 47(1):20.

Armstrong, D. (2000), “Building Teams Across Borders,” Executive Excellence, Mar:10.

Arthur, J., and C. Huntley (2005), “Ramping Up the Organizational Learning Curve: Assessing the Impact of Deliberate Learning on Organizational Performance under Gainsharing,” Academy of Management Journal.

Arzola, G. (2000), “Making a Good Team Great,” Across the Board, 37(9):45.

Austin, J. (2003), “Transactive Memory in Organizational Groups: The Effects of Content, Consensus, Specialization, and Accuracy on Group Performance,” Journal of Applied Psychology 88(5):866.

Avery, S. (1999), “Team Approach to Buying Improves Process Efficiency,” Purchasing, 4/22/99.

Axtell, C., et al. (2004), “From a Distance,” People Management 10(6):38.

Bacon, N., and P. Blyton (2005), “Worker Responses to Teamworking: Exploring Employee Attributions of Managerial Motives,” International Journal of Human Resource Management 16(2):238.

Balakrishnan, R., N. Nagarajan, and K. Sivaramakrishnan (1998), “The Effect of Property Rights and Audit Information Quality on Team Incentives for Inventory Reduction.” Management Science 44(9):1193.

Balkundi, P., and D. Harrison (2006), “Ties, Leaders, and Time in Teams: Strong Inference about Network Structure’s Effects on Team Viability and Performance,” Academy of Management Journal 49(1):49.

Balogun, J., and G. Johnson (2004), “Organizational Restructuring and Middle Manager Sensemaking,” Academy of Management Journal 47(4):523.

Bamberger, P., et al. (2005), “Peer Assessment, Individual Performance, and Contribution to Group Processes: The Impact of Rater Anonymity,” Group & Organization Management 30(4):344.

Banker, R., et al. (1996), “Impact of Work Teams on Manufacturing Performance: A Longitudinal Field Study,” Academy of Management Journal 39(4):867.

Barker, J. (1993), “Tightening the Iron Cage: Concertive Control in Self-Managing Teams,” Administrative Science Quarterly 38:408.

Barker, J., and P. Tompkins (1994), “Identification in the Self-Managing Organization,” Human Communications Research 21(2):223.

Barsade, S. (2002), “The Ripple Effect: Emotional Contagion and Its Influence on Group Behavior,” Administrative Science Quarterly 47(4):644.

Barczak, G, E. McDonough, and N. Athanassiou (2006), “So You Want to be a Global Project Leader?” Research Technology Management 49(3):28.

Bartkus, B., M. Glassman, and R.B. McAfee (2000), “Mission Statements: Are They Smoke and Mirrors?” Business Horizons 43(6):23.

Batt, R. (2004), “Who Benefits from Teams? Comparing Workers, Supervisors, and Managers,” Industrial Relations 43(1):183.

Beal, D., et al. (2003), “Cohesion and Performance in Groups: A Meta-Analytic Clarification of Construct Relations,” Journal of Applied Psychology 88(6):989.

Beauchamp, M., S. Bray, M. Eys, and A. Carron (2005), “Multidimensional Role Ambiguity and Role Satisfaction: A Prospective Examination Using Interdependent Sport Teams,” Journal of Applied Social Psychology 35(12):2560.

Bechky, B. (2003), “Sharing Meaning Across Occupational Communities: The Transformation of Understanding on a Production Floor,” Organization Science 14(3):312.

Beer, M., and N. Katz (2003), “Do Incentives Work? The Perceptions of a Worldwide Sample of Senior Executives,” Human Resource Planning 26(3):30.

Beersma, B., et al. (2003), “Cooperation, Competition, and Team Performance: Toward a Contingency Approach,” Academy of Management Research 46(5):572.

Bélanger, J, P. Edwards, and M. Wright (2003), “Commitment at Work and Independence From Management: A Study of Advanced Teamwork,” Work and Occupations 30(2):234.

Bendoly, E. (2006), K. Donohue, and K. Schultz (2006), “Behavior in Operations Management: Assessing Recent Findings and Revisiting Old Assumptions,” Journal of Operations Management 24(6):737.

Bennington, A., J. Shetler and T. Shaw (2003), “Interorganizational Communication: Discourse Analysis of a Meeting of Three Diverse Organizations,” Journal of Business Communication 40(2):118.

Bergel, G. (1997), “What Have We Learned About Trust From Recent Experiences With Teaming And Empowerment?” Business & Professional Ethics, 16(1-3):205.

Beyerlein, M., et al. (2003), “The Ten Principles of Collaborative Organizations,” Journal of Organizational Excellence, Spring:51.

Bezrukova, K., S. Thatcher, K. Jehn, and C. Spell (2012), “The Effects of Alignments: Examining Group Faultlines, Organizational Cultures, and Performance,” Journal of Applied Psychology 97(1):77.

Bezrukova, K., K. Jehn, E. Zanutto, and S. Thatcher (2009), “Do Workgroup Faultlines Help or Hurt? A Moderated Model of Faultlines, Team Identification, and Group Performance,” Organization Science 20(1):35.

Billington, J. (1999), “The Three Essentials of an Effective Team,” from The Art of Managing Effective Teams, J. Case, ed. Harvard Business School Publishing: Boston.

Biolos, J. (1999), “Six Steps Toward Making a Team Innovative,” from The Art of Managing Effective Teams, J. Case, ed. Harvard Business School Publishing: Boston.

Bishop, J., et al. (2005), “A Construct Validity Study of Commitment and Perceived Support Variables: A Multifoci Approach Across the Different Team Environments,” Group & Organization Management 30(2):158.

Blanchard, K., D. Carew, and E. Parisi-Carew (1996), “How to Get your Group to Perform like a Team,” Training & Development 9/96.

Blass, J. (2010), “Business & Ethics,” presentation to Association for Corporate Growth Raleigh Durham, 2/25/10.

Bloom, M. (1999), “The Performance Effects Of Pay Dispersion On Individuals And Organizations,” Academy of Management Journal 42(1):25.

Blumberg, M. (1992), “Job Switching in Autonomous Work Groups: An Exploratory Study in a Pennsylvania Coal Mine,” from Classic Reading in Self-Managing Teamwork: 20 of the Most Important Articles, R. Glaser, ed. Organization Design and Development, Inc.: King of Prussia, PA.

Bonner, B., and M. Baumann (2012), “Leveraging Member Expertise to Improve Knowledge Transfer and Demonstrability in Groups,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 102(2):337.

Boudreau, J., et al. (2003), “On the Interface Between Operations and Human Resources Management,” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 5(3):179.

Bowen, J. (2000), “Power Sharing: In Order To Grow Your Business, You’ve Got To Empower Your Employees,” Financial Planning 5/1/00.

Bradley, J., and J. Willett (2004), “Cornell Students Participate in Lord Corporation’s Kaizen Projects,” Interfaces 34(6):451.

Brauchle, P., and D. Wright (1993), “Training Work Teams,” Training & Development, 3/93.

Bremner, B., and C. Dawson (2003), “Can Anything Stop Toyota?” Business Week 11/17/03:114.

Brett, J., and J.K. Rognes (1986), “Intergroup Relations in Organizations,” from Designing Effective Work Groups, Goodman, P., ed. Jossey-Bass Publishers: San Francisco.

Brett, J., D. Shapiro, and A. Lytle (1998), “Breaking the Bonds of Reciprocity in Negotiations,” Academy of Management Journal 41(4):410.

Brocato, R. (2003), “Coaching for Improvement: An Essential Role for Team Leaders and Managers,” The Journal for Quality & Participation 26(1):17.

Buede, D. (2009), “Making Successful Decisions: A PM’s Path to Success,” PMEXPO2009 (, 5/14/09.

Bunderson, J.S. (2003), “Recognizing and Utilizing Expertise in Work Groups: A Status Characteristics Perspective,” Administrative Science Quarterly 48:557.

Bushman, B., R. Baumeister, and A. Stack (1999), “Catharsis, Aggression, and Persuasive Influence: Self-Fulfilling or Self-Defeating Prophecies?” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 76(3):367.

Cacciola, S. (2011), “Dallas’s Secret Weapon: High Fives,” Wall Street Journal, 6/9/11.

Cadrain, D. (2003), “Put Success in Sight,” HR Magazine 48(5):85.

Caldwell, R. (2004), “Rhetoric, Facts and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies: Exploring Practitioners’ Perceptions of Progress in Implementing HRM,” Industrial Relations Journal 35(3):196.

Campion, M., E. Papper, and G. Medsker (1996), “Relations between Work Team Characteristics and Effectiveness: A Replication and Extension,” Personnel Psychology 49:429.

Capozzoli, T. (2004), “Succeed with Self-Directed Work Teams,” Supervision 65(6):26.

Carmeli, A., and A. Shteigman (2010), “Top Management Team Behavioral Integration in Small-Sized Firms: A Social Identity Perspective,” Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 14(4):318.

Cascio, W. (2000), “Managing a Virtual Workplace,” Academy of Management Executive 14(3):81.

Cascio, W., and S. Shurygailo (2002), “E-Leadership and Virtual Teams,” Organizational Dynamics 31(4):362.

Chang, A., P. Bordia, and J. Duck (2003), “Punctuated Equilibrium and Linear Progression: Toward a New Understanding of Group Development.” Academy of Management Journal 46(1):106.

Chase, N. (1999), “Learning to Lead a Virtual Team,” Quality, Aug:76.

Chatman, J., and F. Flynn (2005), “Full-Cycle Micro-Organizational Behavior Research,” Organization Science 16(4):434.

Chatman, J., and S. Cha (2003), “Leading by Leveraging Culture,” California Management Review 45(4):20.

Chatman, J., et al. (1998), “Being Different Yet Feeling Similar: The Influence of Demographic Composition and Organizational Culture on Work Processes and Outcomes.” Administrative Science Quarterly 43:749.

Chen, G., and R. Klimoski (2003), “The Impact of Expectations on Newcomer Performance in Teams as Mediated by Work Characteristics, Social Exchanges, and Empowerment.” Academy of Management Journal 46(5):591.

Chen, G., et al. (2011), “Motivating and Demotivating Forces in Teams: Cross-Level Influences of Empowering Leadership and Relationship Conflict,” Journal of Applied Psychology 96(3):541–557.

Cherns, A. (1992), “Principles of Sociotechnical Design Revisited,” from Classic Reading in Self-Managing Teamwork: 20 of the Most Important Articles, R. Glaser, ed. Organization Design and Development, Inc.: King of Prussia, PA.

Clinebell, S., and M. Stecher (2003), “Teaching Teams to be Teams: An Exercise Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Five-Factor Personality Traits,” Journal of Management Education 27(3):362.

Cohen, M., S. Rogelberg, J. Allen, and A. Luong (2011), “Meeting Design Characteristics and Attendee Perceptions of Staff/Team Meeting Quality,” Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 15(1):90.

Cohen, S., G. Ledford, and G. Spreitzer (1996), “A Predictive Model of Self-Managing Work Team Effectiveness,” Human Relations 49(5):643.

Colarelli, M., J. Spranger, and R. Hechanova (2006), “Women, Power, and Sex Composition in Small Groups: An Evolutionary Perspective,” Journal of Organizational Behavior 27:163.

Coleman, P. (2004), “Implicit Theories of Organizational Power and Priming Effects on Managerial Power-Sharing Decisions: An Experimental Study,” Journal of Applied Social Psychology 34(2):297.

Collins, C., and S. Parker (2010), “Team Capability Beliefs over Time: Distinguishing between Team Potency, Team Outcome Efficacy, and Team Process Efficacy,” Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 83:1003.

Collins, J., and J. Porras (1996), “Building Your Company’s Vision.” Harvard Business Review, 9-10/96.

Colvin, A., (2003), “The Dual Transformation of Workplace Dispute Resolution,” Industrial Relations 42(4):712.

Conger, J. (1998), “The Necessary Art of Persuasion.” Harvard Business Review 76(3):84.

Cordery, J., W. Mueller, and L. Smith (1991), “Attitudinal and Behavioral Effects of Autonomous Group Working: A Longitudinal Field Study.” Academy of Management Journal 34(2):464.

Costa, S. (2011), “Humanity at Work: Encouraging Spirit, Achievement and Truth to Flourish in the Workplace,” Speech to N.C. Project Management Institute, 3/24/11.

Coviello, D., A. Ichino, and N. Persico (2010), “Don’t Spread Yourself Too Thin: The Impact of Task Juggling on Workers’ Speed of Job Completion,” National Bureau of Economic Research (U.S.), Working Paper 16502.

Crandall, N.F., M. Wallace, and D. Bisgeier (1997), “Case Study: Work and Rewards Redesign at Smith & Nephew,” in Team Pay Case Studies: What’s Working in Companies Today, American Management Association: New York.

Cross, R. (2000), “Looking Before You Leap: Assessing the Jump to Teams in Knowledge-based Work,” Business Horizons 43(5):29.

Crowe, M. (1999), “Why the Members of Your Team Won’t Speak Up, and What You Can Do About It,” from The Art of Managing Effective Teams, J. Case, ed. Harvard Business School Publishing: Boston.

Cummings (1992), “Self-Regulating Work Groups: A Socio-Technical Synthesis,” from Classic Reading in Self-Managing Teamwork: 20 of the Most Important Articles, R. Glaser, ed. Organization Design and Development, Inc.: King of Prussia, PA.

Cummings, J. (2004), “Work Groups, Structural Diversity, and Knowledge Sharing in a Global Organization,” Management Science 50(3):352.

Currie, G., and S. Procter (2003), “The Interaction of Human Resource Policies and Practices with the Implementation of Teamworking: Evidence from the UK Public Sector,” International Journal of Human Resource Management 14(4):581.

Curşeu, P., P. Kenis, J. Raab, and U. Brandes (2010), “Composing Effective Teams through Team Dating,” Organization Studies 31(7):873.

Davis-Sacks, M., D. Denison, and R. Eisenstat, “Summary: Professional Support Teams,” from Groups that Work (and Those that Don’t), Hackman, R., ed. Jossey-Bass Publishers: San Francisco.

De Dreu, C., and L. Weingart (2003), “Task Versus Relationship Conflict, Team Performance, and Team Member Satisfaction: A Meta-Analysis,” Journal of Applied Psychology 88(4):741.

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